Sunday, 14 September 2014

10 Things We Love About Annapolis

1. Fawcetts Chandlery - Bill, Rob and crew who know the meaning of exceptional service and are not an anodyne chain store.
2. Reynolds Tavern. Selling wine and spirits since 1747 but we loved the afternoon tea. Scones, tea cakes and a selection of great teas. The last time we had something like that was in Istanbul in the Pera Palace, though not the scones it must be said.

3. The HarbourMaster and crew. Reasonably priced mooring balls, with bathroom facilities and laundry on shore.
4. The Model Room at the Naval Academy - not that kind of model but ship's models. An stunning collection from 1650 to the 1800's. Never seen anything like it before and the informative displays were an asset to a deeper understanding of these amazing works of art.
5. The Architecture. Beautifully preserved and used streets of historic buildings 

6. The Bookshop - somewhere near Prince George street. 
7. The food in Annanpolis smaller portions and different. Chick and Ruth for the atmosphere and the great milk shakes and the Catering company for Eggs Benedict
8. For conversations that indicate that the ideals of Adams and Jefferson are still alive and well.
9. The State House and standing where Washington resigned his commission.

10. The great fireworks display that was a total surprise to us.

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